Call for Abstract

ConferenceTheme: “Brain Gain: Investing in Nursing and Midwifery Education in Africa through Collaboration with the African Diaspora”

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024  
  • Abstract Notification Date: October 21, 2024  
  • Preliminary Program Available: November 15, 2024
  • Conference Date: January 3, 2025
  • Location: Labadi Beach Hotel, Accra, Ghana


The Ghanaian Diaspora Nursing Alliance (G-DNA) is pleased to announce a call for abstracts for its upcoming conference, focusing on the health issues affecting Ghanaians and African-descent populations. We invite clinicians, health professionals, researchers, students, and representatives of community-based organizations to submit abstracts showcasing their work in addressing health disparities, promoting health equity, and improving health outcomes for these communities. We encourage the submission of innovative and thought-provoking abstracts that challenge current paradigms and highlight cutting-edge research, evidence-based practices, and effective interventions. Abstracts should demonstrate a deep understanding of the unique health needs and challenges faced by Ghanaians and African-descent populations, and propose actionable strategies for improving health outcomes. Abstract Submission Guidelines: Please carefully review the following guidelines before submitting your abstract for the Ghanaian Diaspora Nursing Alliance (G-DNA) 2025 Annual Conference:
  1. Abstract Content:
    • We welcome abstract submissions focusing on research, best practices, or projects (e.g., programs, training, policies) related to health issues affecting Ghanaians across the lifespan.
    • Topics may include, but are not limited to, health education programs, health system interventions, community-based interventions, advocacy, cultural engagement, workforce development, or immigration processes and challenges.
    • The abstract should align with the overall conference theme, "Brain Gain: Investing in Nursing and Midwifery Education in Africa through Collaboration with the African Diaspora," and reflect one of the conference tracks.
  2. Word Limit and Format:
    • Abstracts should be 300 words or less.
    • All abstracts must include a title, name(s) of author(s), and institutional/organization or community affiliation.
    • The presenting author should be clearly designated.
  3. Abstract Structure:
    • For abstracts based on primary research, the following sections must be included: background, objective(s), methods, results, and discussion/conclusion.
    • For abstracts based on quality improvement initiatives, the following sections must be included: introduction, problem or issue, activities or strategies, and outcomes/lessons learned.
  4. Author Guidelines:
    • During the submission process, all authors are required to select a topic area for their abstract.
    • A maximum of four authors may be identified as co-presenters.
    • The presenting author is limited to presenting a maximum of two accepted presentations.
  5. Registration Requirements:
    • Submitting an abstract does not require conference registration. However, if your abstract is accepted, you will be required to provide proof of registration to confirm your attendance as a presenter.
    • By adhering to these guidelines, you will ensure that your abstract submission is complete, well-structured, and aligned with the conference theme and tracks. We look forward to receiving your abstract and learning about your valuable contributions to advancing the health and well-being of Ghanaians and African-descent populations. 

Conference Tracks

  1. Behavioral and Mental Health: Presentations in this track will examine behavioral and mental health risks and outcomes, including determinants, natural history, and effective treatments and policies.
  2. Midwifery and Women’s Health, including Sexual and Reproductive Health: Presentations in this track will explore sexual and reproductive health determinants and outcomes among men and women. Topics may include disparities in access to reproductive and sexual health services, contraception, and infertility, assisted reproductive technology, postpartum depression, maternal, and infant mortality.
  3. Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement: Presentations in this track will showcase Ghanaian and African Diaspora nurses’ experiences and achievements in evidence-based practice and quality improvement initiatives. Topics may include process optimization, patient safety initiatives, innovation in healthcare delivery, data-driven decision making, evidence-based practice implementation, or collaborative interdisciplinary projects. Clearly outline the problem, intervention, outcomes, and implications of your quality improvement project.
  4. Infectious Diseases: Presentations in this track will examine current or new evidence-based models that address health disparities in viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, and other infectious diseases. Approaches based on programmatic/service delivery as well as research/clinical work are strongly encouraged.
  5. Non-Communicable Diseases(NCDs): Presentations in this track will explore the prevalence, prevention, and management of NCDs such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancer, and kidney disease, among others.
  6. Education, Training, and Workforce Development: Presentations in this track will showcase innovative projects which seek to increase the representation of African-descent populations in the nursing and public health workforce as well as in advanced practice nursing, and leadership and advocacy
  7. Ethical Migration and Recruitment:  Presentations in this track will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the migration and recruitment of Ghanaian nurses in the diaspora. This track will focus on promoting ethical practices and policies that ensure the rights and well-being of migrant nurses while addressing the healthcare workforce needs of both source and destination countries.
  8. Vulnerable populations: This track will focus on presentations addressing the unique challenges and needs of various vulnerable groups, including: persons with disabilities, refugees and displaced individuals, minors and at-risk youth, individuals who are incarcerated or experiencing economic disadvantage, persons at risk of intimate partner violence or domestic abuse, Presentations will explore strategies for providing support, resources, and interventions to improve their well-being and promote social equity.
  9. Innovations in Nursing Practice and Technology: Presentations will include innovative approaches, technologies, and best practices in nursing care delivery, telehealth, and digital health solutions. Explore the impact of emerging technologies, informatics, and data analytics on nursing practice, research, and education. The role of nurses in driving innovation, adopting new technologies, and promoting patient-centered care in Ghana and the African diaspora will be discussed.
  10. Master’s and Doctoral Student presentations: This is an excellent opportunity for Master’s and doctoral students to showcase their research and projects, share insights, and engage with a diverse community of nursing professionals, scholars, and leaders from Ghana and the African diaspora. We welcome abstracts on a wide range of topics in the tracks above.
Review the Abstract Submission Guidelines above and submit your abstract today! 

Contact us at with any questions about your submission.